October 31, 2017 at 3:38 pm
New evidence on safe sun exposure
There is a large amount of confusing information in the media about the benefits and dangers of sun exposure.
Too much direct sunlight can certainly increase your chances of developing skin cancer. However there is also evidence that exposure to sunlight is good for you while artificial light is not.
One recent publication has shown that exposure three days a week to UK summer sun wearing shorts, tee shirt and a hat is safe and also gives your vitamin D levels a boost. With this degree of sun exposure the natural repair mechanisms in the skin are not overwhelmed and it’s likely too be relatively safe.
The best advice is therefore as follows.
This advice should keep your risk of skin cancer relatively low while gaining the benefits of being in the sun.
Over 10,000 cases of skin cancer per year in Scotland. Don't become a number.
Call now on 0141 810 3151 or email
I had just been told after attending the Mole Clinic at my local pharmacy that I could potentially have a melanoma on my right leg. Obviously I was very worried and upset by this and when I met Dr. Herd he did his best to try and reassure me. The mole was removed and after a few anxious weeks my results came back fine. I have since seen Dr. Herd on a regular basis over the years for annual skin check ups and I find that his calming and friendly manner gives me peace of mind.